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This website contains a complete database of characteristic X-ray lines, and several tools to facilitate your every day operation of an electron microanalysis lab (EPMA or SEM with EDS or WDS).
Since early 2022, each laboratory registering with De-MA can manage their own lab and lab users (with up to five instruments, SEM or EPMA), their own collection of analytical protocols, and standards and reference materials available, etc. If you don't have an account, you can still access most capabilities as a guest!
Disclaimer: this website does NOT endorse one company or the other, and the presence of these company logos is not an advertisement nor a mark of sponsoring from one company or the other. These companies are the two major ones building electron microprobe, and each company uses a different unit system for the spectrometer positioning. Therefore, this website needs to refer to one or the other... A third company exists (Shimadzu), but JMA has no experience nor access to such an instrument. If a laboratory using a Shimadzu instrument register with De-MA, an additional Guest Account to a virtual Shimadzu instrument will be created.
WARNING: Guest has limited access to the website capabilities!
CAMECA guest lab: University of Massachusetts Amherst, Dept. Geosciences, USA (M. Jercinovic)
JEOL guest lab: ETH Zürich, Dept. Earth Sciences, Switzerland (J. Allaz)
For more information, download the publication in Microscopy & Microanalysis (open-access)...